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Learning to be Selfish is the most Selfless act of kindness

We have been taught or conditioned to believe otherwise, but learning to be selfish in terms of personal health is an act of love to ourselves and in turn to those around us who we care about. It can be especially tempting for women to put our personal needs aside while working and looking after a family but ultimately we can’t give away what we don’t have. By practicing self-care through fitness and nutrition, we give ourselves the extra reserves we need to be the best version of ourselves for us and those around us.

Me and Kath
“With Silver’s expertise I am now the strongest, healthiest and fittest I’ve been. Silver is not only
passionate but her enthusiasm for helping her clients achieve their goals make her a pleasure to
train with. I’m proud to have been a part of Silver’s program. Thank you Silver for helping me love
my body!”  Kath McDonald – Berry Fitness Member (lost 32cm’s over 9 months)

I’d be a rich girl if I had a dollar for the amount of times a woman has sat in front of me in a consultation for a Fitness or Nutrition program who, when asked why she wants to train or how she has found herself out of shape and tired, has answered with…
“I look after everyone else and have no time to look after Me” or
“I feel guilty spending time and/or money on Myself“ or
“I just want to be selfish for a while and look after myself!”

These words- selfish, no time, guilty come up way too often, particularly with women. Since when is looking after your own body, your own health and wellbeing been ‘SELFISH’? This is the single most absurd thing I have ever heard!

Lisa C.

“Since training with Silver My children have a more patient and energetic mother who is high on
life. Who knew that I would actually like and take pride in what I see in the mirror. I feel completely
in tune with my body and proud of who I am. Thank you Silver for showing me happiness I’ve
previously only ever dreamed of!” – Lisa Carter – Berry Fitness Member (lost 24.5cm’s in 12 weeks)

Apparently women could or should work full time, raise happy well-adjusted children, maybe care for the grandkids or parents, maintain a lean and toned body, oversee a clean and organised home with well balanced meals, be a supportive loving wife and friend always ready to listen to anyone’s problems with a sympathetic ear and do all of this with a smile on her face and a whistle on her lips… But taking 30 minutes of exercise 3 times a week is Selfish? Nope, I don’t buy into that one bit.
Think of it this way – if you’re exhausted all the time, struggling to find time for good nutrition and exercise, you’ll be more inclined to get sick and cranky and no-one wins. Selfish? Not a chance, looking after your own health and nutrition first is Sensible!

me and Soph

“I have changed a lot about my life in the past few months of training and nutrition with
Silver, some things too personal to mention but I feel stronger mentally and physically. It’s
insane what exercise does to your mind. It’s built me back up again to be strong-minded.” Sophia Cama – Berry Fitness Member (lost 9.2kg’s and 47.5cm’s in 12 weeks)

In a recent study of women who exercised, 72% of participants cited improvement in time management on exercise days and 74% said they managed their workload better when they exercised. Another study of active parents concluded that there is a direct correlation between the physical activities of mothers and their children. That is, the less physically active a mother is, the more likely her child will be sedentary early in life…Still think that exercising is selfish?

I have seen it time and again – You are a happier, healthier more productive woman if you make your own wellbeing a priority. We have all heard the aeroplane safety announcement instructing passengers to put on their own oxygen mask first when the plane is going down. That’s true in life too. Fill up your own well first and you have so much more to give to those around you. And everyone around you will benefit from a fitter, healthier and happier you – it’s a win-win!

If you would like to find some inspiration or a little more info on how you can start to get healthier and take charge of your nutrition Contact me via email [email protected] or through my website 100%Human 

I am an Accredited Level 3 Metabolic Precision Transformation and Nutrition Coach.
My company 100%HUMAN runs a 12 week Nutrition and Transformation program
online and is Berry Fitness Centers preferred virtual trainer.